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Erin Larios

Co-Editor In Chief

Who inspires you?

My parents inspire me to work hard and make a difference. They have always believed I could do anything I wanted, and that keeps me brave and ambitious.

What are you most passionate about?

I am most passionate about social justice and specifically equity in the legal system. I am dedicated to making a difference in our legal system and ensuring that everyone has equal access to justice.

What are your favorite hobbies?

I love to paint, cook, go to karaoke, or the beach!

Why did you join the Honor Code?

I joined the Honor Code because I wanted to do something here at CSULB that was beyond the academics. Although I am super dedicated to my educational experience, I joined to give myself the creative freedom to work on something that was not going toward a grade or a transcript, something I could just do for me. I love our Honors community, and I knew that this would be the perfect way to do something creative and also contribute to celebrating our student's achievements and all of their accomplishments.Why did you join the Honor Code?*

I joined the Honor Code because I wanted to do something here at CSULB that was beyond the academics. Although I am super dedicated to my educational experience, I joined to give myself the creative freedom to work on something that was not going toward a grade or a transcript, something I could just do for me. I love our Honors community, and I knew that this would be the perfect way to do something creative and also contribute to celebrating our student's achievements and all of their accomplishments.

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