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Get Ready for Summer, Honors Students!

Abbigale Zepeda

Updated: May 22, 2023

For some of us, the end of the school year is an anxious time, dealing with final deadlines and the pressure

of finishing strong. For others, it’s an anxious time for a completely different reason - they are eager and ready to leave academics behind for a while and jump into the excitement of the summer. No matter how you fit into these categories, summer is a period of transition for all of us, and these tips will help you have the smoothest transition into those months of rest and recuperation after a year of hard work.

1. Don’t Fall Behind

With all the excitement of planning your summer, it can be easy to neglect your classes and focus on the future - but keeping up with what’s happening now is crucial. These last few weeks of the semester are make-or-break for some students, and heading into your finals feeling fully prepared will set you up for success. Heading into your vacation months knowing you did your best in all of your classes will help you

relax and enjoy the time away from school,

without stressing about retaking a class in the


2. Keep a Schedule

Don’t let the structure of the school year slip away just because you’re on vacation. Take time out of your day to exercise, read, and keep up with your school emails. You’ll thank yourself later, when you’re not scrambling to meet deadlines and pick up textbooks the day before classes start back up. Plus, recreational reading and exercise will keep you healthy, even when you’re enjoying a break.

3. Keep in Touch

The best part about the Honors program is the community. Keep in contact with roommates and classmates you met during the year, you never know who will show up again in your classes in the future! Along with this, keep a friendly contact with mentors or teachers if possible. You’ll need an advisor for your senior thesis project, and making connections early is essential for your success later on down the line.

4. Enroll in Your Classes

If you haven’t already done so, enroll in your classes for next semester. The earlier you enroll the better chance you’ll have of getting the schedule you want, so don’t put it off any longer than necessary. Contact advisors with questions before the summer starts, so that you can head into the break without having to stress about open seats, waitlisting, or class requirements.

5. Make a Plan

For anyone living in Honors housing, make sure you have a plan for moving out and moving back in. The last thing you want is to look for something over the summer, only to realize you left it in your dorm, or to realize at the last minute that a shirt tucked away at the bottom of your boxes is actually your roommate’s. Have a

plan of attack on how you’ll take home all your

clothes, books, and personal items so you aren’t

left mourning the loss of some precious

keepsake or prized possession.

6. Clear the Bookshelf

Over the summer, look into selling or trading out some of those old textbooks. Earn some extra money for the vacation by clearing out some of your unneeded textbooks, and free up space for all the new ones you’re going to need to buy in a few months’ time.

7. Have Fun!

Despite all the planning that goes into the last few weeks of the semester, at the end of the day your summer break should give you time to relax, and recuperate from all the stress of a busy school year. Whether you’re graduating or just moving up in your goals for education, congratulate yourself on a successful semester, and enjoy the summer fun.


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